William Dickerson
New York, NY, USA
Computer Science, Engineering
& Other Adventures


Award-winning SUV, 118 mpg

Under the hood: Control software developed in Simulink, running in real-time on dSPACE and MotoTron hardware


Measure distances on the map

Under the hood: Leaflet.js


How long can you balance the globe on the platform?

Under the hood: Three.js for the 3D animations, plus the HTML5 "deviceorientation" event

Compare Two Cities

A side-by-side visual comparison of two cities

Under the hood: d3.js and the SVG viewbox

Line Art

Make colorful mosaics, quickly

Under the hood: Simple canvas commands plus an 18th-century boundary tracing algorithm. Cool!

Fuzzy Words 

Free your mind to write!

Under the hood: React, Bootstrap.


An SMS reminder bot

Under the hood: Java, Watson Assistant, Twilio, Db2

State to the Show 

Track Mississippi State baseball alumni in the MLB!

Under the hood: Golang and the MLB stats api


A multiplayer drawing game

Under the hood: React, DynamoDB, AWS API Gateway, AWS Lambda


Some useful little apps

Under the hood: CloudFormation, CloudFront, CodePipeline, React

City Access 

Where can a Subway ride take you in NYC, DC, and Boston?

Under the hood: ES6, Leaflet v1.0.0, and D3v4